Saturday, November 28, 2009

Overdue Updates - Grey Cup Edition

It has become increasingly apparent that my fair name and technological savvy have come under attack in a campaign of slander launched by my darling daughters and their co-conspirators Joy and Heather, the BM's. ( Blog Mistresses ) I have, therefore , taken it upon myself to assume editorial control of this blog to stem the flow of unflattering remarks about my capabilities or lack thereof. I will continue my rant against the injustices heaped upon me by my ungrateful offspring later but a few of you may be interested in news about Sara.
Sara has completed her second round of chemotherapy and is into her second week of the post-chemo recovery phase. She has been able to stay home overnight for most of the phase, returning to the hospital daily to check her blood counts and receive blood transfusions. She has been feeling good throughout most of this second round of treatment. She has been taking advantage of November's terrific weather to go for short walks around the neighborhood with her mask, scarf and one of her growing collection of hats. She is often quite fatigued in the afternoon but seems to perk up when dinner is delivered !
Presently, the chemo has wiped out most of Sara's white blood cells making her very susceptible to bacterial infection. My Uncles from Saskatchewan have been very concerned about Sara developing an infection. They have been doing research on the internet into " Hairborne Bacteria " . Their research reveals that hair is a big source of potential infection. To protect Sara from this ominous threat they generously sent the girls and me :
" Saskatchewan Super Heavy Duty Hair Disinfecting Helmets "

These helmets are reputed to have potent antibacterial activity as a result of having been soaked in vodka for a week. The Uncles have insisted that anyone with hair in close proximity to Sara be required to wear one of these helmets. ( Erin and Ali told me that I still " sort of have hair " so I would need to wear one too ) Since Sara is sporting a little less hair these days the Uncles sent her a toque embroidered with a large " S ". ( they told her that it stands for " Super Sara " ).
My Uncles aren't actually medical professionals. They are farmers, curlers and drinkers whom we suspect may have ulterior motives with the timing of these gifts of head wear. To check on the legitimacy of this form of infection control I consulted my esteemed colleagues Dr.s Dave M., Rick E., Bruce Y., and Rob B., to see if they had any experience with this technique. They all assured me that they had been involved in some of the early research projects on disinfecting helmets during their years at University in Saskatoon and that they were universally accepted as the treatment of choice to control hairborne bacteria in Saskatchewan.
Sara will continue to be monitored in and out of the hospital during this recovery phase for another two or three weeks. She will require another round of chemo that may commence just before or just after Christmas. Recent meetings with the Medical team have given us some further insight into the Stem Cell Transplant process. The planning and scheduling of the transplant is quite involved. A suitable donor has not yet been identified but this is not a surprise as we only started the search process a few of weeks ago and it often takes two to six months to find a good match. Once a donor is found it often takes a couple of months to co-ordinate the appointments and treatments required for both the donor and the recipient. The earliest that a transplant could take place would be some time in late February.

Sara has commented that as time passes in this process she is exceedingly grateful not only for the exceptional medical care she has been receiving but also for the support of our friends, family and even casual acquaintances. We couldn't imagine how much more difficult this journey would be without all of the tremendous support and positive energy that we have all been receiving. ( our house has never had Christmas lights up this early, our cars have never been this well maintained and with Mom around I have never had such a selection of well ironed shirts to choose from ! )

We do have a couple of requests to extend to anyone following this blog as the Christmas Season approaches. The holidays are traditionally a time for visiting friends and neighbours and while we would love to catch up with all those that we haven't been able to see for the past couple of months Sara doesn't have the stamina to greet a parade of visitors and well wishers. She seems to be able to communicate to me quite clearly when my company is fatiguing or vexing her but she is too polite to let others know when she is too tired to visit. For that reason we ask that anyone wishing to pass on Season's Greetings do so by mail or e-mail ( ) . We are even worse at answering e-mail than we are at updating this blog so please don't be surprised or offended if you don't receive a reply.
The second request relates to Christmas baking. We seem to have an inordinate number of master chefs and bakers amongst our circle of friends and acquaintances. While we all love baking we are running out of freezer space and despite my best efforts to eat my weight in muffins, cookies and cakes on a daily basis we are falling behind the pace of the baked gifts that are being dropped off at the house. ( If Erin and Ali were writing this note they would simply have said " Please refrain from bringing baking by the house because Dad has the willpower and self restraint of a hog at a slop bucket and he is starting to blow the buttons off all those shirts that Grandma ironed ! " )

We encourage people to make any donations of extra baking that they might have to any of the many agencies and programs that provide for those who are not as fortunate as us in the strength and depth of their support groups.

I will close this update with a promise that we will keep you abreast of any developments that arise in the search for a stem cell donor.

Take care , enjoy the Grey Cup and consume watermelon responsibly.

Kevin ( for Sara, Grandma and the Melonheads )


  1. good job Kevin.... photos arranged thoughtfully and everthing.... making me proud ! Nice head gear girls!

  2. To the Tod Family:

    Merry Christmas and God keep you all strong and safe, happy and well,

    Sawadi Pii Mai (Happy New Year)

    Andy, Jo Anne, Taranee, and AJ
