(Belated Edition)

Mother's Day is kind of a dynamic celebration around our house. I claim that everyday is Mother's
Day - with the unparalleled pampering that I have perpetually provided for Sara and my Mom. (They seem to report a slightly different interpretation of my efforts!)
I am endeavouring to peck out a few sentences to update those of you who have been wondering about Sara's progress. (I am hoping to get it posted before Father's day)
Sara has been at home in recent weeks with occasional trips to the hospital for blood tests.
The extensive array of pills and medications that she has been required to take in order to prevent rejection of the new Stem Cells has been gradually decreasing. With a decrease in medications she has also had a decrease in side effects like nausea and fatigue. She has been able to get out for walks with Mom and other friends when the weather has been favourable.
She is presently undergoing a series of follow up examinations and tests to compare her present condition to her pre-treatment status. She requires chest X-rays and pulmonary function tests to evaluate the condition of her lungs, and consults with ophthalmologic, dental and cardiac specialists prior to scheduling a bone marrow biopsy later this month.
So far, Sara's progress has been steady and positive. (but not quite fast enough for Sara's liking) She has not required re-admission to the hospital since the Stem Cell transplant. Her appetite has been returning and while some of her favourite foods don't appeal to her because of the effects of the medications on her taste buds, she is eating regularly in an effort to regain some of the weight that she has lost. (chocolate doesn't appeal to her - which has placed the responsibility for consuming entire boxes of Purdy's squarely on my mid-drift) Her blood counts tend to fluctuate a little but have been trending in the right direction over the past few weeks.
As some of you have recently commented, the blog entries have been a little sparse lately.
I consider that a positive development as we have been plodding along resuming the rhythm
of our old daily routines with nothing particularly exciting or out of the ordinary to report.
Erin is playing field hockey with her high school team and Ali has joined a roller hockey league.
Sara, Mom and I are off running around trying to take in as many games as we can.
We will update the blog again in a few weeks when Sara has had another bone marrow biopsy and we have had an opportunity to review the results with the Doctors.
In the meantime we have appreciated all of the positive thoughts and good wishes that have been coming our way.
Kevin for Sara, Erin , Ali and Mona
Dear Kevin, Sara, Erin, Ali, and Mona,
ReplyDeleteWe're so glad that Sara is doing well and that you are resuming your daily routines. We haven't forgotten you just because things are looking up! With the Big C it's always one day at a time.
Walk good,
Andy and Jo Anne in Bangkok
Dear Sara, Kevin, Erin, Ali and Mona
ReplyDeleteSpring is such a wonderful time of year to appreciate being out of the hospital- last week I might have said "except in Calgary!" May the bright flowers and warm sun bring you pleasurable and peaceful days.
-Barb and Nikki Ferguson
Dear all,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update Kevin. Sara looks well in her picture, but who is that handsome gentleman in the bottom photo? Nice to see the routine trending towards 'normal'. Keep it up.